Saturday, December 8, 2012

Making Decisions - Sunday Sermon

Making Decisions  - Sunday Sermon for This Week.

Have you ever faced a decision that left you wondering what was the right thing to do under the circumstances?  Of course you have.  That was really a silly question.  The Bible gives us guidelines and boundaries regarding what we are NOT supposed to do and what we ARE supposed to do.  But there are some things that may be allowed but sometimes don’t seem quite right.  I recommend this sermon by John MacArthur titled ‘Making the Hard Decisions Easy’.  You can read it or listen to it.  It is interesting and helpful.

A wonderful song that goes well with this sermon is
All the Way My Savior leads Me’

This son was written by a blind woman named Fanny Cosby who wrote many well-known and precious hymns.

‘I Am Thine Oh Lord’ is another great hymn.
Remember music is more powerful than anything except the love of God.
An old fashioned hymnal is second only to the Bible in importance in a Christians life. 

Have a blessed weekend.


A note from Barbara
Sunday sermons are on this prepper blog for two reasons:
the most important preparation anyone can make is preparation to go to heaven
preparation for daily living is more mental and spiritual than anything else.  If you aren’t prepared mentally and spiritually your material and physical prepping will not be nearly as effective.

(This is not intended to replace going to church and hearing a sermon in person.  Getting in an extra sermon is always good for me personally.)

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Preparedness in your Car

Preparedness in Your Car
How to be more comfortable and safe if you have to spend a day or two in your car.

What’s in your car?  I mean besides that fast food sack of trash and the empty Starbucks cup.  Most people have things like a spare tire, a jack, and lug wrench in their trunk.  Those who really plan ahead have a spare tire that actually has air in it. 

A spare tire for your vehicle (not the one around your middle) is probably the item you are most likely to need.  If you have that covered – good thinking on your part.  However, considering all the time spent in a car there are a lot of other things that would be good have in the car. 

Things to consider include:
Water – you may get thirsty while you are changing that flat tire!
Flash light with extra batteries.
A simple first aid kit.  It should include band-aids, antibiotic salve, medicine for upset stomach, and just normal things you might need for first aid.  It is probably cheaper and easier to just buy a kit. 
A simple survival kit which would include a blanket, a jacket or coat, possibly rain gear depending on where you live, and something non-perishable to eat. 

For the advanced ‘car prepper’ there are more things that can be stored in your car. 
A change of clothes for family members
Items necessary for children – extra diapers, games, food items
Travel size shampoo, toothpaste, toothbrush, and other similar items – be sure to personalize it to match your needs.  For instance a travel size shampoo of a brand that gives you dandruff is totally useless. 
Hand warmers or even thermal heat wraps.
Sleeping bags.
A really nice pillow would be wonderful!
A way to heat water for hot beverages – something that plugs into your cigarette lighter.
Instant coffee, tea, cocoa, or instant soup mix.
Whatever you need to go in your drink – sweetener or creamer.
Coffee mug(s) or disposable cups.
Toilet paper
Hand wipes.
These things are all useful.  Most of them don’t take up hardly any space. 

A car is obviously used for transportation, but it can also provide shelter and safety in a dire situation.  You can get in a car and lock the doors.  You will be dry.  A pack of hungry wolves will not be able to eat you for dinner.  You can drive your car to a safer location in most cases.

Don’t be bashful about spending some time thinking about how to turn your car into a mini-motorhome.  Ask yourself what specific needs you would have if you were unable to return home for twenty four hours (or longer) and then try to see that those needs would be met by things you put in your car.  I am not suggesting that a family of four can get a really good night’s sleep in a car.  I am saying that it would be a lot better night if you had done some prepping in advance.

Keep your gas tank at least half full.
Never under any circumstances leave the motor running while you are parked.  The danger of carbon monoxide poisoning cannot be overstated. 

Reading material!  Put a few good books that you enjoyed reading the first time in the trunk.  Reading them again will kill time. 
Car chargers for phones and other devises
Cheerful music.

I am on the lookout right now for affordable solar charging contraptions for cell phones and other portable items.  I will keep you posted.

Have a good day.

Remember the first four of prepping:
Self-definition - Christian
Self-discipline – live within the boundaries of your self-definition in all circumstances
Self-reliance – don’t wait on the government to send in the cavalry
Scripture memorization – answer those thoughts of doubt and anxiety by quoting scripture!

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Sunday Sermon from the book of Zechariah

This sermon is sound Bible teaching.
If you are unable to attend church on Sunday always plan to listen to a good sermon.
Also, good sermons are good helps for mental prepping any time of the week or day.

A Christian World View is reinforced by sound Bible teaching.  You can't get enough of it!
